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PR budget

Put your best foot forward in FY22

If you’re currently planning your FY22 budgets, you may well be asking yourself the same question that many of our clients are right now: how do I best plan for business success in a landscape that has changed so dramatically?

For the first time, we’re making plans in a world where everything from our marketing channels, to our customers, to the sales environment has been turned on its head.

The decisions you’re making now will impact your business for years to come; so it’s worth taking a little time to ensure they’re the right ones.

Attendees of this webinar will walk away with the following vital information:

  • How marketing communications changed in FY21 – and what this meant for our budgets
  • Questions to ask yourself – and your team – when planning your marketing budget
  • How to identify which marketing channels will work hardest for your spend
  • Typical cost benchmarks for commonly employed marketing tactics

Webinar details:

  • Wednesday 24 March
  • 10AM AEST

You do not want to miss this webinar – register now!

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