
Elevate Arrows

When you need to take your stakeholders on a decisional journey and embed your project in the community as a good neighbour, we have the tools and experience to take you through the stakeholder engagement process. From determining a project’s negotiables and non-negotiables to effectively informing, educating, listening, and implementing stakeholder engagement we can assist every step of the way.

Elevate uses the IAP2 best practice engagement models through the Approach Plan, Context Scoping, Stakeholder Mapping, and Engagement Plan development and implementation. We use a values-driven approach to break down barriers to engagement and build off solid common ground to see your project and its community co-exist amicably.


Looking for stakeholder and community services? Talk to us about:

Engagement Approach Plan
including community sentiment analysis

Engagement risk and reputation planning and mitigation

Context scoping including SEPHA or PESTLE audits

Engagement concept
planning and design

Engagement Plan including DEI lens and purpose objectives

Stakeholder method choice and implementation

Stakeholder mapping

Engagement Plan report

If this resonates with you and you'd like to work with us, get in touch.

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