So you wanna make a podcast? Tell me why in ten words

Many businesses love the idea of creating a podcast. It’s something to tell customers about, evangelise in a board paper, brag about on LinkedIn. But before you head off to soundproof some office cubicle walls and press record, it’s vital you take a step back and ask yourself ‘why’? Articulating the purpose of your podcast is vital. What do you want your podcast to do? If you answered ‘boost sales leads’, ‘share product information’, or ‘make me/my brand famous’, then that podcast is doomed to become the bottom of a 6 million strong pile. The best podcasts in the world make a group of people feel something when they listen.
Finding your brand’s Tone of Voice and why bother

Whilst many organisations spend many well spent hours defining their goals, values and mission statement, and then transport that outcome to a lengthy Style Guide, many forget to define their brand’s tone. A brand’s Tone or Tone of Voice is essential to ensure the values, personality, and essence of the brand are carried through every communication situation. It is the way of communicating that differentiates the brand from its competitors.
Establishing a sustainable ESG strategy

To have a successful and sustainable, ESG strategy you have to have goals and activity aligned to your brand’s voice, narrative, and purpose.
Three strategies for lifelong learning in PR and comms

I recently had the privilege of participating in The University of Queensland (UQ)’s inaugural orientation-week bootcamp for first-year communication students.
Why ESG? And how does communication play a vital role in its success?

An ESG framework is necessary to build trust and equity and provide a quantifiable measure of your sustainability and societal impact, using metrics that matter to investors and customers.
5 steps to power your creative brainstorming

Creative brainstorming is a powerful tool! But when it comes to creativity, many of us may think it’s something for “artists”. In reality, creativity is a skill we all possess.
How to pitch to media

Find out the key to get Media to bite on your pitch. Ex Journalist Chris Garry on simple tips for successful media pitching.
KPIs and strategies: A look at reinventing the wheel

A goal is what you want to achieve, KPIs define how you know when you’ve achieved it or on your way towards it. Learn how they go hand in hand.
How communication changed in 2020

The communications sector was not exempt from COVID-19 and transformative change. Business owners and leaders acknowledged the need to consider the breadth of their internal and external stakeholders and coordinate tailored messages to each of them.
The 12 silver linings of 2020

2020 gifted us in ways we would never have expected. Here are 12 silver linings from 2020 that will play a role in the communication industry this year, and how you can take advantage of it.