Elevate strengthens leadership with Helen Lucas as new GM

Every communication strategy should start with the business goal—‘starting with the end in mind’.
What’s your plan? Why you should always start with the end in mind

Every communication strategy should start with the business goal—‘starting with the end in mind’.
So you wanna make a podcast? Tell me why in ten words

Many businesses love the idea of creating a podcast. It’s something to tell customers about, evangelise in a board paper, brag about on LinkedIn. But before you head off to soundproof some office cubicle walls and press record, it’s vital you take a step back and ask yourself ‘why’? Articulating the purpose of your podcast is vital. What do you want your podcast to do? If you answered ‘boost sales leads’, ‘share product information’, or ‘make me/my brand famous’, then that podcast is doomed to become the bottom of a 6 million strong pile. The best podcasts in the world make a group of people feel something when they listen.
Finding your brand’s Tone of Voice and why bother

Whilst many organisations spend many well spent hours defining their goals, values and mission statement, and then transport that outcome to a lengthy Style Guide, many forget to define their brand’s tone. A brand’s Tone or Tone of Voice is essential to ensure the values, personality, and essence of the brand are carried through every communication situation. It is the way of communicating that differentiates the brand from its competitors.
How to make an impact with your event marketing plan

Events can be a great marketing move for brands to reach audiences, develop and nurture relationships, generate content and leads, demonstrate products or services and raise brand awareness overall. But most of all, great events inspire. They provide opportunities to make new connections and memorable experiences. They help delegates make a change in their workplace or bring new ideas back to their team or research fields. Great events make an impact.
How can media training help you and your team?

The first thing we have to do is to stop thinking of media training as something that is only beneficial to people who are interviewed by media – although they are a major beneficiary of the skills. The skills learned in media training are helpful in every area of business where you have an opportunity to express your organisation’s virtues or defend its brand. Put simply, it can help you speak more succinctly and handle questions better – any question, from any person, at any time.
3 key trends impacting comms professionals in 2024

The change within our industry in just the last 12 months alone has been insurmountable—from the rise of Artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual augmented reality platforms to the digitally evolving media landscape—there’s no doubt we are constantly being nimble in the way we approach our communication strategies for clients.
Why building your personal brand on LinkedIn is a win-win?

We live in an age where professional networking transcends geographical boundaries. Personal branding has evolved, and is conducted online more than in person and remains a cornerstone of career development and professional growth.
Strategies to showcase success in PR campaign reporting

When providing services to clients and proving our value and expertise, it is paramount that our PR campaign reporting demonstrates this.
Mastering the art of social media writing

Ensure your social content remains engaging, grows and retains followers and meaningfully conveys your brand by mastering your social media copy.