Elevate Arrows

Moreton Bay Regional Council

Moreton Bay Regional Council


Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Regional Economic Development Strategy 2020-41 (REDS) articulates Council’s plans to transform and modernise the Moreton Bay economy over the next 2 decades, by making the region bigger, bolder, and brighter. 

As a REDS initiative, Council partnered with The Forage, an international leader in virtual work experience programs, to deliver a local government-first online work experience program, My Future in Moreton Bay.  

Council engaged Elevate to launch the program with an integrated marketing and communication strategy and launch event in October 2022.  

The brief

My Future in Moreton Bay is a program for high school students and those early in their careers to give them a taste of a ‘day in the life’ of either career options. Council engaged Elevate to help establish the program, launch the program to the region’s high school network, raise awareness and encourage participation across the region, and beyond.

Moreton Bay Regional Council

Our strategy

Elevate’s strategic approach for the My Future in Moreton Bay program comprised 3 phases to achieve Council’s business goals: 

Launch phase

To support the program’s market launch, Elevate developed a program-specific brand and creative concept which was applied to all marketing and collateral assets, advertising, as well as marketing and communication materials to develop community hype around the launch The branding was also used to support the development the program’s online hub. 

Awareness phase

Following the program launch, Council and Elevate developed and implemented a suite of marketing and communication materials to raise awareness across key target audience groups including social media posts, email marketing, school newsletter integration, media releases and video content featuring local high school students, teachers, principals and the Moreton Bay Mayor. 

Momentum phase

As the project continued to gain traction and uptake across the region, Elevate supported Council in building momentum by developing a region-wide inter-school competition framework, media releases, social media messaging and email marketing content. 

The outcome

Elevate and Moreton Bay Regional Council partnered together to successfully launch, and grow awareness of, the My Future in Moreton Bay program.  

Key highlights of this partnership include: 

  • Region-wide support for the program with more than 100 community members, teachers, school representatives attending the My Future in Moreton Bay launch event
  • 10 schools participating in a program pilot to launch and refine the program 
  • Developing a program-specific brand video with Moreton Bay Mayor, Cr Peter Flannery 
  • Equipping Council with a suite of ready-to-use program assets and creatives to continue to use for years to come. 

Let's get started

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program that sets you up for success.