How to get the most out of your media interviews

Speaking to the media can be daunting, especially if it’s something you’re new to, but it doesn’t have to be. Our tips will be useful when approached by a journalist.
Writing for robots

Keywords are a critical part of any written marketing, including media releases. They help with search engine optimisation (SEO) enabling people find your content.
How to pitch to media

Find out the key to get Media to bite on your pitch. Ex Journalist Chris Garry on simple tips for successful media pitching.
How to cut jargon and communicate with clarity

Does your writing resemble word salad? Here’s how get your message across.
10 reasons why you should use communications and PR in 2020

As a business owner, it’s natural to be protective of your market and want to retain control of all facets of your business. Learn why an agency could help you.
PR in 2020 and beyond

With changing technology, comes changing processes, systems and metrics, and keeping up with the Jones’ (or the millennials!) has never been more critical for businesses.
How to stay professional while you work from home

If you’re able to work from home during COVID-19 and not lose any income, you’re a lucky one! So make sure you’re set up to do it well.
Three reasons why your company needs media relations

Media relations acts as the middleman between your organisation and your target audience to portray your company’s name accurately and effectively for your consumers.
How to draft the perfect pitch

Editors, journalists and producers receive countless emails in a day, so how do you make sure your pitch stands out for the right reasons?
3 other ways to effectively use piece-to-camera video content in lockdown

After several weeks spent Zoom-ing across the country and beyond, we should all be feeling pretty comfortable in front of a camera by now.